
Recent advancements in heat exchangers have focused on enhancing heat transfer efficiency, reducing pressure drop, and improving fouling resistance. Researchers have developed innovative designs such as ultra-compact microchannel heat exchangers, which utilize small channels to increase surface area and turbulent flow for enhanced heat transfer. Novel materials, including graphene and nanofluids, have been employed to improve thermal conductivity and fouling resistance. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have played a vital role in optimizing heat exchanger performance by predicting flow patterns, temperature distributions, and fouling rates. Additionally, advanced manufacturing techniques, such as additive manufacturing and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), have enabled the fabrication of complex heat exchanger designs with precise control over geometry and fluid flow. These advancements have significant implications for industries ranging from power generation to refrigeration, providing improved energy efficiency, reduced operating costs, and extended equipment lifespan.




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